private small group sessions

all levels and abilities| Small group | all ages | 4-8 PLayers

Our private small Group Training sessions are designed to create a competitive setting with select players of your choice. each session will be tailored to the needs of the individuals of the group. we provide drills which are more realistic, providing game like scenario’s to sessions and to build an environment for players who are of similar ability and push them out of their comfort zone

During these sessions we will fine tune all technical skills and enhance fitness, speed and explosiveness. We will also implement football fundamentals including positioning, structure, technique & game plan

Private small group sessions |60 Minutes

small group single session

prodigy fc |private training process

  • Dream it.

    What is your athletic dream? What do you want to achieve this season?

    in our 1:1 sessions, we focus on tailoring each session to suit each individual need and goal

    Confidence, focus, trust, composure and pregame mental preparation. It all begins with a dream. The first step fulfilling your potential is to improve your mental game and to understand your strengths and more importantly, weaknesses.

    “dream big. set goals. take action”.

  • believe it.

    What are the steps necessary to achieve this goal and What will you do in each training session to move closer to this goal?

    each session using our techniques and drills, we will overcome physical, technical, tactical and mental obstacles. our goals are to eliminate fear and generate maximum confidence across every aspect of your game.

    Preparation breeds confidence: Preparation is the foundation of confidence. This preparation includes the physical, technical, tactical, equipment-related and mental parts of your sport, and it means putting the necessary time and effort into every aspect of your training.

    “believe you can and you’re halfway there”

  • achieve it.

    What reward will you receive to you reach your goal?

    Learn to trust the process - and celebrate your victories. Whether you’ve just achieved a small or large goal, celebrate your success and reflect on all the hard work you put into accomplishing a task or goal.

    Every failure is a step closer to success, so embrace the setbacks and use them as an opportunity to learn and grow. Many athletes have created goals they would like to accomplish for the competitive season but few athletes are willing to plan and work each day to achieve success.

    ‘celebrate what you’ve accomplished, and raise the bar a little higher each time you succeed”